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Contact us: Wheeler Middle School Spartans

Visit our campus

School visitation policy: "Any person shall be encouraged to visit schools throughout the school year, but such visits should be made after prior consultation with the schools in order not to disrupt the planned activities of the schools and classrooms and any visit shall conform to the regulations, directives, and guidelines of the department." BOE Policy 1720-4)

In accordance with this policy, visitors to our school are more than welcome to visit our campus. Please stop by the administration office to sign in and pick up a visitor's pass. If you'd like a to visit a specific classroom, please notify the classroom teacher ahead of time to ensure minimal disruption of planned activities.

Send an eMail

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Wheeler Middle School support
Office: (808) 305-9000
Snail Mail

Need to get in touch with us the old-fashioned way?

Wheeler Middle School
2 Wheeler Army Air Field
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786

Call Us

Office Hours
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Closed on Federal & State Holidays

(808) 305-9000

(808) 622-6529

Report Absences
808) 305-9000

Health Room
(808) 305-9011

Transportation - School Bus
(808) 622-0537

Wheeler Middle School

2 Wheeler Army Air Field

Wahiawa, HI 96786

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  • (808) 305-9000
  • FAX: (808) 625-6529